Our Team

Hernán Alzate Arias
A seasoned financial markets practitioner with an outstanding track record in executing transactions and strategies in capital markets, both locally and internationally. For 15 years, he served as Vice President of Treasury at Bancolombia S.A., leading the investment portfolios of the group both in Colombia and abroad. He also held key roles as Vice President of Distribution and Sales at ABN AMRO Bank, Director of Financial Resources at Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. (ISA), and Fixed Income Trader at Profesionales de Bolsa and Serfinco S.A. (both brokerage firms).
In the academic field, he was a Senior Practice Professor at the School of Finance, Economics, and Government (FEG) at Universidad EAFIT, where he shared his knowledge and experience with new generations of professionals.
His career has been characterized by active leadership in the development of regulatory frameworks for the securities market, fostering a deep understanding of financial sector regulations and dynamics.
He holds a Ph.D. in Economics and Finance from the University of Gdańsk (Poland), a Master’s in Applied Economics, and a Bachelor’s in Business Administration from Universidad EAFIT. Additionally, he earned an MBA in Finance from the State University of New York at New Paltz (SUNY) and a Postgraduate Certificate in Mathematical Finance from the University of York (United Kingdom).

Jorge Llano Salamanca
Vice-president, Market Development
An economist with a Master’s degree in Economics from Universidad de Los Andes in Colombia and a Master’s in Public Policy from Columbia University in New York. He has worked as a researcher and professor, publishing several academic papers on financial crises, capital markets, pensions, labor markets, social policy, and the informal economy.
He has also served as a consultant for the National Planning Department, an advisor to the Ministry of Finance, and a board member for entities such as Vanti and Procentrismo. Previously he was Chief Economist at Asofondos.
Carolina Ramírez Velandia
Vice-president, Investigation and Discipline
Economist Lawyer specializing in Economic Law, with studies in Financial, Securities Trading, Administrative and Private law.
She has a long professional track record, most recently as General and Legal Secretary of the Colombian Mercantile Exchange and previously as Legal Director for Securities Intermediaries at the Securities Superintendence, among others.

Fabián Reina Ramírez
Vice-president, Preventive Management
Economist with a specialization in Finance from Universidad de los Andes. He has extensive professional experience in the securities and foreign exchange markets, having served as Senior Trader at Banco de la República, General Manager at CRC Asociados, Economic Director at Asobolsa, and Foreign Exchange Manager at AMV.
For 14 years, he was a faculty member in undergraduate and graduate programs at prestigious institutions, including Universidad Externado, Sergio Arboleda, La Salle, Universidad Libre, and Politécnico Grancolombiano.
Carlos Mario García Hoyos
Vice-president , Strategy and Corporate Affairs
Systems Engineer with a Specialization in Project Management and a Master’s Candidate in Comprehensive Risk Management. He has an outstanding track record in corporate strategic planning, financial risk management, and budget control. His experience spans key roles in the financial and healthcare sectors, excelling as a Project Manager and leading high-impact initiatives. Additionally, he has extensive expertise in implementing comprehensive quality management systems, internal control, and risk management, with a strong focus on sustainability and operational efficiency.
As Strategy and Risk Manager at AMV for 12 years, he played a fundamental role in the organization’s strategic planning, contributing to the definition of corporate objectives through 2032.

*The Legal Representatives of the Securities Market Self-Regulator to date are: Hernán Alzate Arias, President of AMV; Fabián Reina Ramírez, Vice President of Preventive Management; Carolina Ramírez Velandia, Vice President of Research and Discipline; René Julián Waked Sánchez, Discipline Manager; and Carlos Mario García Hoyos, Vice President of Strategy and Corporate Affairs.